Monday, October 21, 2013


This morning, given a choice of two shirts and two pairs of pants, Elijah picked out his own outfit.

He was very definite about the shirt, pointing to it right away.  It was probably the googly-eyes that did it.  He carried around both pairs of pants for a while, eventually holding these out at arms length away from the others.  It may not have been a clear signal of his wishes, but it was good enough for me. 

I am by no means a fashion expert or clothes horse, but I'm calling it a milestone, and I was proud of him.

Also, in big step news, we have set an end date for the use of pacifiers.  We have been severely restricting them to crib time only recently and we will make the jump to a pacifier free toddler on November 5.  I anticipate the first few days being very rocky, which is why I picked a Tuesday, it is Saturday for me and so I will be home at night the first two nights.  Pray for us.

Finally, today, Nathan and I are celebrating our seventh wedding anniversary.  The three of us are going to go out to dinner tonight.  I'm looking forward to it very much.  Nathan is also honoring the occasion by becoming as sick as he was on our wedding day.  If you were there, you may not have known, but Nathan had a  terrible cold/flu thing going on and we are getting a replay of that today.  Poor thing!

I wanted to have a video play with the last song we danced to at the wedding reception, but for some reason, I couldn't get it to embed here.  If you're curious, here  it is.

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